Friday 27 July 2012

Organizing a Trip to Pompeii

Pompeii City
Pompeii is famous worldwide for the remains of the Roman city, one of the richest and most powerful of the Empire, which in 79 AD was completely covered by the eruption of nearby Vesuvius.

The remains of the city were accidentally discovered in the seventeenth century, but only in the early 800s excavations that unearthed many treasures were carried out.

Today, the excavations of Pompeii are one the most famous and visited archaeological sites in the world, and there are many buildings and frescoes that you can admire.

Big Theatre, housed in a natural hollow of the hillside that was used to open this public building on the example of Greek theatres, it was later expanded in the Age of Silla.

The many historic otium villas and the domus belonged to the wealthy patricians and again the public buildings and the Baths.

Among the most fascinating Temples is the Temple of Asclepius, the Isis Temple, the shrine of the Public Lares, the Temple of Jupiter, the Temple of Venus, the Temple of Apollo and the Doric Temple.

The Forum, a small outdoor area around which many shops were opened, mostly built of lava and tufa and cemented with clay.

House of the Menander was a residential house of the time, as proof of this it has some docks where clients expected to be received by the dominus.

The Amphitheatre of Pompeii is, until now, the oldest building used to gladiators' shows. The building, which came to house about 20,000 people, was built in the south-east of the city. This choice was due, firstly, to the fact that it was necessary that the amphitheatre was easily reached from the outside. The second reason was that building the building in this area of the city was more.

Villa of the Mysteries (Villa dei Misteri) is the most important house in Pompeii, first called Villa Item, the villa is squared and is located on a hill from which they enjoyed a wonderful view on today's Gulf of Naples.

Garden of the fugitives was a large area dedicated to vineyards which houses casts of people who died during the eruption while trying to escape.

Necropolis of Porta Vesuvius with painted decorations inside the enclosure showing the young officer in the act of sitting on suggestum enacting laws, the door of the underworld, gladiator games held on the occasion of his funeral and a beautiful silver collection, a sign of the wealth of his family.

You should choose in Pompeii tour guides who are capable and competent to ensure an exciting and fascinating immersion in art, history, nature and archaeology dated two thousand years ago.

For a short but very interesting excursion to Pompeii, you can stay in the proximity of the excavations and thus have the possibility to quickly reach the site.

If you choose to stay in Naples you can visit the museum with the remains of Vesuvius, while if you opt for accommodation in Sorrento Coast, especially in summer, enjoy the idyllic atmosphere and the excellent local cuisine.

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