Friday 6 July 2012

In the Paris of Latin America

Buenos Aires
Whenever we talk about Paris the first thing that comes to our mind will be fashion and fashion shows. Here is a place in Latin America which shows the same craze towards fashion and fashion shows. It is none other than the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. One of my friends, who is a fashion designer told me this for the first time. Until then the football was the only thing I have thought about Argentina. He used to participate in many fashion shows and according to him the shows in Buenos Aires is totally different as it is more colorful with the traditional colorful dresses of the region. Hence I too decided to see that I went along with my friend.

Being one of the most visited places in the region, almost all major airlines of the world like Air France, British Airways etc are operating flights to Buenos Aires. Besides, there are some regional players also that operate Cheap Flights to Buenos Aires. We have taken the details about all air flights including the cheap flights operating in that region before purchasing a ticket. Hence we could get cheap tickets to Buenos Aires.

The city really surprised me a lot. So far I was thinking that the people in Argentina are interested in football only. And I knew that they used to celebrate their victories with tango dance. However after coming here I came to know about the diversity in the interests of Argentineans.

They are very much fond of books and reading. There is an international book festival being conducted here every year. Besides, the interest of the denizens in music and performing arts is visible by the presence of various music and opera troupes in the city. When my friend was busy with the arrangements of fashion show, I could get enough time to go for some such chows. The music troupes are singing both native and English songs and thus it attracts the tourists also along with the local people. Operas, mainly taken from the Greek and Roman mythologies are also attracting a large crowd there.
La Boca - Buenos-Aires

Nobody can help staying in the city without watching a football match. I too have gone for a match between two local clubs. The training the youngsters are getting was clearly visible in that match. I have not seen any wonder in Argentina’s excellent track record in the world of football. They are catching the talents when they are young and giving a good training.

In between I have participated in the fashion show also. These types of shows are a regular thing there and there are many clubs who conduct such shows with local models and fashion designers. There is no doubt that Buenos Aires will excel in the world of fashion too in the near future. When I expressed this to my friend he nodded his head as if he is also agreeing with me.


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